قیدها در نوشتن ریسرچ پروپوزال اپلای

زبان انگلیسی در ریسرچ پروپوزال 

قیدهای تخصصی در ریسرچ پروپوزال

با رقابتی شدن پوزیشن های فول فاند دکتری و حتی کارشناسی ارشد Master’s Degree، نوشتن ریسرچ پروپوزال اپلای Applyabroad Research Proposal از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار شده است. در سلسله آموزش های نگارش ریسرچ پروپوزال تمام حرفه ای ویژه اپلای ابرود، برآنیــم که این بخش از وب سایت را به قیدهای آکادمیک مختص نوشتن Research Proposal اختصاص دهیم.

دسته‌بندی قیدهای رایج در نگارش آکادمیک

1. قیدهای زمان

قید مثال‌ها
Initially Initially, participants were asked to complete a survey.
Subsequently Subsequently, the data were analyzed using SPSS.
Finally Finally, the results were compared to previous studies.

2. قیدهای فراوانی

قید مثال‌ها
Frequently Frequently, the measurements were repeated to ensure accuracy.
Occasionally Occasionally, outliers were detected in the dataset.
Rarely Rarely did the control group show significant differences.

3. قیدهای مکان

قید مثال‌ها
Locally The effects were observed locally within the sample population.
Globally Globally, the trend has shown a significant increase.
Internally Internally, the system was calibrated to reduce errors.

4. قیدهای درجه یا مقدار

قید مثال‌ها
Significantly The intervention significantly improved test scores.
Moderately Moderately, the correlation between variables was positive.
Slightly The results were slightly skewed by external factors.

5. قیدهای روش

قید مثال‌ها
Systematically The data were systematically collected from various sources.
Randomly Participants were randomly assigned to groups.
Manually Data entries were manually checked for accuracy.

6. قیدهای تکرار

قید مثال‌ها
Repeatedly The experiment was repeatedly conducted to ensure reliability.
Regularly Regularly, the software updates were installed.
Consistently Consistently, the results matched the hypothesis.

7. قیدهای ارتباطی

قید مثال‌ها
Therefore Therefore, we can conclude that the hypothesis is supported.
Consequently Consequently, the findings suggest a new approach is needed.
Hence Hence, the study’s scope was expanded.

8. قیدهای تاکید

قید مثال‌ها
Particularly This is particularly evident in the control group.
Especially Especially, the results for younger participants were significant.
Notably Notably, the experiment confirmed previous research.

9. قیدهای شفافیت

قید مثال‌ها
Clearly Clearly, the data indicate a significant trend.
Obviously Obviously, the variables are correlated.
Evidently Evidently, the new method is more efficient.

10. قیدهای شرطی

قید مثال‌ها
If If the sample size increases, the accuracy improves.
Unless Unless the variables are controlled, the results may vary.
Provided Provided that all conditions are met, the hypothesis stands.

آموزش کاربرد قیدها در جمله

1. Initially

  • بخش متدولوژی: Initially, participants were asked to complete a survey.
    کاربرد: این قید نشان‌دهنده اولین مرحله در فرآیند تحقیق است.

2. Frequently

  • بخش متدولوژی: Frequently, the measurements were repeated to ensure accuracy.
    کاربرد: این قید نشان‌دهنده تکرار یک عمل به‌طور مداوم است.

3. Locally

  • بخش متدولوژی: The effects were observed locally within the sample population.
    کاربرد: این قید نشان‌دهنده محدوده جغرافیایی یا محدوده خاص تحقیق است.

4. Significantly

  • بخش متدولوژی: The intervention significantly improved test scores.
    کاربرد: این قید نشان‌دهنده اهمیت و میزان تاثیر یک عمل یا متغیر است.

5. Systematically

  • بخش متدولوژی: The data were systematically collected from various sources.
    کاربرد: این قید نشان‌دهنده یک روش منظم و مرتب در جمع‌آوری داده‌ها است.

6. Repeatedly

  • بخش متدولوژی: The experiment was repeatedly conducted to ensure reliability.
    کاربرد: این قید نشان‌دهنده تکرار یک فرآیند برای اطمینان از صحت و دقت است.

7. Therefore

  • بخش نتیجه‌گیری: Therefore, we can conclude that the hypothesis is supported.
    کاربرد: این قید برای بیان نتیجه‌گیری یا پیامد یک تحلیل استفاده می‌شود.

8. Particularly

  • بخش نتیجه‌گیری: This is particularly evident in the control group.
    کاربرد: این قید برای تاکید بر نکته خاصی در تحقیق استفاده می‌شود.

9. Clearly

  • بخش نتیجه‌گیری: Clearly, the data indicate a significant trend.
    کاربرد: این قید برای بیان وضوح و روشنی نتایج استفاده می‌شود.

10. If

  • بخش متدولوژی: If the sample size increases, the accuracy improves.
    کاربرد: این قید برای بیان شرایط و فرضیات مورد استفاده در تحلیل‌ها استفاده می‌شود.

با استفاده از این قیدها و نکات کاربردی آن‌ها، می‌توانید نگارش خود را بهبود بخشید و مقالات علمی موثرتری بنویسید.

کاربرد این قیدها در نوشتن ریسرچ پروپوزال اپلای به چه شکل است؟ کدامیک در نوشتن بیان مسئله کاربرد دارند؟ کدامیک در نگارش Literature review و کدامیک در بخش های دیگر یک ریسرچ پروپوزال؟

در نوشتن یک ریسرچ پروپوزال برای اپلای، استفاده از قیدهای مناسب در بخش‌های مختلف می‌تواند به وضوح و دقت متن کمک کند. در ادامه، نحوه استفاده از این قیدها در بخش‌های مختلف ریسرچ پروپوزال شرح داده شده است:

1. بیان مسئله (Problem Statement)

در این بخش، قیدها باید به طور شفاف و دقیق بیان کنند که مسئله اصلی تحقیق چیست و چرا اهمیت دارد.

  • قیدهای تاکید:
    • Particularly: This issue is particularly problematic in urban areas.
    • Especially: Especially in developing countries, the lack of resources is evident.
    • Notably: Notably, previous studies have overlooked this aspect of the problem.
  • قیدهای شفافیت:
    • Clearly: Clearly, there is a need for more comprehensive research.
    • Obviously: Obviously, this problem requires immediate attention.
    • Evidently: Evidently, the current approaches are insufficient.

2. مرور ادبیات (Literature Review)

در این بخش، قیدها به بررسی و تحلیل تحقیقات قبلی و چگونگی ارتباط آن‌ها با تحقیق پیشنهادی کمک می‌کنند.

  • قیدهای زمان:
    • Initially: Initially, studies focused on the economic impact.
    • Subsequently: Subsequently, research shifted towards social implications.
    • Finally: Finally, recent studies have explored environmental effects.
  • قیدهای تکرار:
    • Frequently: Frequently, these studies highlight the need for further research.
    • Occasionally: Occasionally, conflicting results have been reported.
    • Rarely: Rarely have studies considered the long-term effects.
  • قیدهای روش:
    • Systematically: These articles systematically review the relevant literature.
    • Randomly: Randomly selected studies were included in the analysis.
    • Manually: Manually searching the databases provided additional insights.

3. روش‌شناسی (Methodology)

در این بخش، قیدها باید روش‌های تحقیق و چگونگی انجام آن‌ها را به‌طور دقیق توصیف کنند.

  • قیدهای فراوانی:
    • Frequently: Frequently, the measurements were repeated to ensure accuracy.
    • Occasionally: Occasionally, qualitative data were collected.
    • Rarely: Rarely did we encounter technical issues.
  • قیدهای درجه یا مقدار:
    • Significantly: The intervention significantly improved test scores.
    • Moderately: The correlation was moderately positive.
    • Slightly: The results were slightly skewed.
  • قیدهای روش:
    • Systematically: The data were systematically collected from various sources.
    • Randomly: Participants were randomly assigned to groups.
    • Manually: Data entries were manually checked for accuracy.

4. نتایج و بحث (Results and Discussion)

در این بخش، قیدها به توصیف و تحلیل نتایج به دست آمده کمک می‌کنند.

  • قیدهای تاکید:
    • Particularly: This trend is particularly significant in rural areas.
    • Especially: Especially notable is the increase in participation rates.
    • Notably: Notably, the control group showed greater improvement.
  • قیدهای شفافیت:
    • Clearly: Clearly, the data indicate a significant trend.
    • Obviously: Obviously, the variables are correlated.
    • Evidently: Evidently, the new method is more efficient.
  • قیدهای ارتباطی:
    • Therefore: Therefore, we can conclude that the hypothesis is supported.
    • Consequently: Consequently, the findings suggest a new approach is needed.
    • Hence: Hence, the study’s scope was expanded.

5. نتیجه‌گیری (Conclusion)

در این بخش، قیدها به خلاصه‌سازی یافته‌ها و بیان نتایج کلی تحقیق کمک می‌کنند.

  • قیدهای شرطی:
    • If: If the sample size increases, the accuracy improves.
    • Unless: Unless the variables are controlled, the results may vary.
    • Provided: Provided that all conditions are met, the hypothesis stands.
  • قیدهای تاکید:
    • Particularly: This finding is particularly important for policy makers.
    • Especially: Especially in the context of sustainable development.
    • Notably: Notably, our results support the initial hypothesis.

مثال کاربردی در هر بخش

بیان مسئله:

  • This issue is particularly problematic in urban areas due to high population density.

مرور ادبیات:

  • Subsequently, research shifted towards social implications, identifying key factors affecting the population.


  • Participants were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups to ensure unbiased results.

نتایج و بحث:

  • Notably, the control group showed greater improvement compared to the experimental group.


  • Provided that all conditions are met, the hypothesis stands and further research is warranted.

با استفاده از قیدهای مناسب در هر بخش از ریسرچ پروپوزال، می‌توانید نوشتار خود را بهبود بخشیده و آن را دقیق‌تر و منسجم‌تر کنید.

دسته‌بندی صفات رایج در نگارش آکادمیک

1. صفات توصیفی برای بیان مسئله (Problem Statement)

صفت مثال‌ها
Significant This study addresses a significant gap in the current literature.
Urgent Addressing this urgent issue is critical for future research.
Complex The problem is complex and requires a multi-faceted approach.

2. صفات توصیفی برای مرور ادبیات (Literature Review)

صفت مثال‌ها
Extensive The literature review includes an extensive examination of prior studies.
Relevant Only relevant studies were included in the literature review.
Previous Previous research has largely focused on quantitative methods.

3. صفات توصیفی برای روش‌شناسی (Methodology)

صفت مثال‌ها
Quantitative A quantitative approach was used to gather and analyze data.
Qualitative The qualitative data were collected through interviews.
Systematic A systematic method was employed to ensure accuracy and reliability.

4. صفات توصیفی برای نتایج و بحث (Results and Discussion)

صفت مثال‌ها
Significant The results indicate a significant improvement in performance.
Unexpected An unexpected trend was observed in the control group.
Consistent The findings are consistent with previous research.

5. صفات توصیفی برای نتیجه‌گیری (Conclusion)

صفت مثال‌ها
Conclusive The study provides conclusive evidence supporting the hypothesis.
Implications The implications of these findings are far-reaching.
Future Future research should focus on addressing the limitations identified in this study.

صفات و مثال‌های مرتبط با بخش‌های مختلف ریسرچ پروپوزال

1. بیان مسئله (Problem Statement)

  • Critical
    • Addressing this critical issue is essential for policy development.
  • Pressing
    • The pressing nature of this problem requires immediate action.
  • Pervasive
    • This pervasive issue affects a wide range of industries.

2. مرور ادبیات (Literature Review)

  • Comprehensive
    • The literature review provides a comprehensive overview of existing research.
  • Current
    • Current studies have highlighted the need for further investigation.
  • Seminal
    • Several seminal works were identified and reviewed in this section.

3. روش‌شناسی (Methodology)

  • Rigorous
    • A rigorous methodological approach was applied to ensure validity.
  • Detailed
    • The methodology section provides a detailed description of the procedures followed.
  • Empirical
    • Empirical data were collected through field experiments.

4. نتایج و بحث (Results and Discussion)

  • Noteworthy
    • The results include several noteworthy findings.
  • Robust
    • The robustness of the results was tested using various methods.
  • Inconclusive
    • Some of the results were inconclusive and require further investigation.

5. نتیجه‌گیری (Conclusion)

  • Definitive
    • The study offers definitive conclusions on the subject matter.
  • Substantial
    • Substantial evidence supports the primary hypothesis.
  • Practical
    • The practical implications of this research are significant.

کاربرد صفات در بخش‌های مختلف جمله

1. بیان مسئله

  • Addressing this critical issue is essential for policy development.
    • کاربرد: این صفت اهمیت مسئله را در تحقیق نشان می‌دهد.

2. مرور ادبیات

  • The literature review provides a comprehensive overview of existing research.
    • کاربرد: این صفت گستردگی و جامعیت مرور ادبیات را نشان می‌دهد.

3. روش‌شناسی

  • A rigorous methodological approach was applied to ensure validity.
    • کاربرد: این صفت دقت و سخت‌گیری در روش‌شناسی را نشان می‌دهد.

4. نتایج و بحث

  • The results include several noteworthy findings.
    • کاربرد: این صفت به اهمیت و قابل توجه بودن نتایج اشاره دارد.

5. نتیجه‌گیری

  • The study offers definitive conclusions on the subject matter.
    • کاربرد: این صفت به قطعی و نهایی بودن نتایج تحقیق اشاره دارد.

سایر صفات و کاربردها در بخش‌های مختلف

1. بیان مسئله (Problem Statement)

صفت مثال
Serious This is a serious issue that demands further investigation.
Widespread The problem is widespread and affects multiple sectors.
Challenging The challenging nature of the issue requires innovative solutions.

2. مرور ادبیات (Literature Review)

صفت مثال
Extensive The review covers an extensive range of studies on the topic.
Recent Recent studies have shown new trends in this area.
Key Several key studies were identified and discussed.

3. روش‌شناسی (Methodology)

صفت مثال
Thorough A thorough examination of the data was conducted.
Innovative An innovative approach was used to gather insights.
Controlled Controlled experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis.

4. نتایج و بحث (Results and Discussion)

صفت مثال
Clear The results provided clear evidence supporting the theory.
Surprising Several surprising outcomes were observed.
Detailed A detailed analysis of the results is presented.

5. نتیجه‌گیری (Conclusion)

صفت مثال
Insightful The conclusions drawn from this study are insightful.
Impactful The findings have impactful implications for future research.
Solid The study provides solid evidence for the proposed hypothesis.


استفاده از صفات و قیدهای مناسب در نگارش ریسرچ پروپوزال می‌تواند به وضوح و دقت بیشتر متن کمک کند و به خوانندگان نشان دهد که تحقیق شما به‌طور کامل و دقیق برنامه‌ریزی و انجام شده است. با رعایت این نکات می‌توانید پروپوزال خود را بهبود بخشیده و شانس پذیرش خود را افزایش دهید.